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Glen Aware | Slips, Trips & Falls

Click the image below to watch our Glen Aware video on Accidents, Slips, Trips & Falls.

Slips and trips are the single most common cause of major injury in workplaces, according to the Health and Safety Executive.

As you know, many of these risks can be quite easily overcome with good practices, such as mopping up spills as soon as they occur, removing packaging from walkways, and making sure car parks, pathways and roofs are free from snow and ice in colder months.

However, other hazards may not be so straightforward to rectify.

Taking the time to identify potential hazards allows you to stop the possibility of an incident occurring.

Slippery Surfaces

Good cleaning practices are essential to prevent floors from becoming slippery, with snow, dirt and salt being tracked inside. Dust mopping and wet mopping a floor and using a degreaser will help to avoid contaminants and debris from building up on the floor and making it slippery.

Outside Areas

Accidents don’t only happen inside, so it’s important to assess the risk of slips and trips outside or as we enter the premises as well, areas such as ramps, steps, and mats. Outside areas are exposed to the elements and they can get very wet and slippery, particularly in poorly drained areas that puddle.

You may have worked on your site for a long time but take a look with fresh eyes, as undertaking a regular risk assessment can be one of the most beneficial ways to help avoid incidents or near misses, prevention is always better than cure.

Remember our process to report hazards, accidents or near misses, report to your manager or supervisor who will complete a Company Incident/Accident report, to understand why this happened and take steps to prevent recurrence.

Alan North | Compliance Manager



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