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To be signed in conjunction with the New Starter Offer of Employment

Written Statement of Particulars of Employment

This document outlines your main Terms and Conditions of Employment with Glen Group Benefits Limited, 2 Britannia Buildings, Merchants Road, Bristol BS8 4QD and is defined by The Employments Rights Act 1996, as amended by the Employment Act 2002 these should be read in conjunction with the Employee Handbook.

1. Personal Information: Your name, address, telephone number, emergency contact details and other information supplied by you will be held by Glen and it is your responsibility to update your manager should these details change. If your bank account details change, Payroll should be notified immediately to ensure your salary is paid into the correct account. You are required to provide an email address as correspondence referred to and other communications from the company will be provided by email.

2. Data Protection: The Company may process employee information for the purposes of employee and business administration in accordance with the Data Protection legislation. By signing this statement, you agree to the transfer of your employee information (including any sensitive personal data) to, and the processing of it by, the Company. You also agree that, from time to time, the Company may wish to process any personal information (as periodically updated) contained within this and other documents provided by you for personnel administration and business management purposes. By signing this agreement, you confirm that you consent to the processing and will comply with all relevant data protection regulation, and you have read and understood the data protection policy, a copy of which is contained in the Employee Handbook. We may change the data protection policy at any time and will notify you in writing of any changes.


3. Variation Clause: The Company reserves the right to make changes to any of your terms and conditions of employment or the employee handbook. Such changes may be made by way of a general notice applicable to all employees or by way of specific notice to you. Where significant changes are being made, statutory and advance written notice will be given, or such shorter period as may be agreed. You will be deemed to have accepted such a change unless you notify the Company of any valid objection in writing before the expiry of the said notice period.

4. Job Title and Duties: Job title is as detailed on the Offer of Employment. You are required to undertake all tasks reasonably associated with your job title or otherwise reasonably assigned to you.

5. Rate of Remuneration and Pay Intervals: Your salary, considering the appropriate deduction and/or additions: will be paid monthly directly into your nominated account. Your hourly rate of pay is outlined on your Offer of Employment.

6. Hours of Work, Rest Periods & Breaks: Your hours of work are outlined in the Offer of Employment and may be subject to change dependent on-site requirements. Rosters are subject to flexibility relating to operational and business needs and will be available to you in advance. Your rest breaks are provided in line with the Working Time Regulations 1998. Should there be an occasion where you do not receive your designated break, please contact your Line Manager immediately.

Casual work. Where this contract type is applicable, you are employed on casual basis and your hours of work will be determined by a roster. Zero hours contracts do not apply.

7. Mobility: To complete your duties and subject to continuing client approval you may be required to work in various locations – please refer to the Company’s Mobility Clause in the Employee Handbook

8. Overpayment & Underpayment of Wages: Wage shortages/errors should only occur as an exception; if it happens, Glen will resolve this issue at the earliest opportunity. If you are overpaid for any reason, the total amount of the overpayment will normally be deducted from your next payment or by agreement the overpayment is to be recovered over a longer agreed period. The Company reserves the right to deduct from your salary at any time any sum(s) which you may owe to the Company during your employment including without limitation to this right any overpayments or loans made to you by the Company. The Company will provide 7 days’ notice of the deduction.

9. Overtime: Overtime will be agreed in advance between yourself and your line manager. Payment for additional hours worked is as confirmed in the Offer of Employment. Notwithstanding the Company’s right to reasonably request an employee to work overtime in particular circumstances, hours of overtime offered will be carried out on a voluntary basis by employees. Any issues arising regarding unfair distribution of available overtime shall be raised by the worker under the Grievance procedure.


10. Probation Period: You will be required to successfully complete a Probation Period of 3 months. Where applicable the Probation Period may be extended (by a further 3 months to 6 months).

11. Notice: You are required to give notice in writing of your intention to terminate your employment with the Company. The notice period the Company is required to give you is as per Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment legislation. However, if your employment is terminated due to gross misconduct you will not receive the right to pay in lieu of notice.

Employees may be required to take any outstanding holiday entitlement during their notice period.
In the event of the termination of your employment, you may be provided with payment in lieu of notice, and at the discretion of the Company not to attend your place of work during such notice period.

Period to be given before terminating employment
By employer to employee - depending on length of service and not subject to Gross misconduct is as follows:

Up to 13 weeks 0
13 weeks to 2 years’ service 1 week
Thereafter one week for every year of service up to a maximum of 12 weeks

By Employee to Employer
Minimum 2 weeks’ notice please provide as much notice as you can.

12. Vetting /Screening: All employees must undergo screening and vetting prior to commencement with the Company. Each new starter will be screened and vetted against the mandatory level of screening checks. In addition, certain clients may require enhanced checks. If an employee cannot provide the information required to fulfil screening requirements, the employment relationship will be terminated on grounds of failing to provide required information to support employment.

13. Health: It is a condition of employment that all employees complete a Health Questionnaire prior to commencing employment. You may be required to undergo a medical examination or medical tests at any stage in your employment by a practitioner of the Company’s choice and it is a condition of your employment that you co-operate with such a request. Refusal by an employee to attend a full medical examination when requested may seriously hinder the Company’s ability to offer employment or provide ongoing work if we do not fully understand all the facts surrounding an individual's medical situation

14. Legal Right to Work: It is a condition of employment that you are authorised to legally work in the UK, at all times during your employment you must continue to maintain this authorisation.

You must inform us of any changes in circumstances and it is your responsibility to provide Glen Group with updates as and when appropriate. It is your responsibility to advise the Company if you are working with another Employer and to ensure your combined hours do not exceed the maximum levels permitted.

15. Public Holidays: entitlements are paid in accordance with annual leave and may be required to be taken as they relate to the site in which you work.

16. Annual Leave: The company holiday year is from 1st January to 31st December. Holiday entitlement will be calculated as 5.6 working weeks in a leave year, inclusive of Bank Holidays. It should be noted that you may be required to take holidays to meet our clients operating patterns, your manager will confirm this pattern to you at the beginning of the holiday year.

Outstanding holidays can be transferred in exceptional circumstances at the companies discretion..

17. Paid Leave (other than sick or annual leave): The paid leave is managed as per statutory entitlements.

18. Maternity Leave & Paternity Leave: You will be entitled to statutory leave in accordance with the legislation, please discuss this with your manager for more information

19. Incapacity for work / Sickness Absence: All cases of sickness absence must be reported to your manager at the latest within one hour of the commencement of your working day, indicating the expected duration of absence. You must also remain in contact with your manager by calling them during extended periods of absence.


20. Sick Pay: if you are absent from work due to sickness and you comply with the requirements of notification and qualify you may be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay.

21 Accidents at Work: All accidents that occur in the workplace are treated with the utmost seriousness. It is a condition of your employment that employees inform their reporting Manager immediately of any accident, injury, or unsafe occurrence during working hours and complete the relevant forms. Employees are also required to immediately fill out an Incident Report form as soon as possible after the incident. Employees must co-operate with all investigations and provide any information which may be useful in establishing the circumstances surrounding the accident. If you are absent from work following an accident or injury at work, the procedures for ‘Sick Leave’ shall apply.

22. Disciplinary Procedure: Full details on the Company’s Disciplinary Process are outlined in the Employee Handbook.

23. Grievance Procedure: Full details on the Company’s Grievance Process are outlined in the Employee Handbook.

24. Bullying & Harassment Policy: The Company's Bullying & Harassment policy is set out in the Employee Handbook to which you should refer.

25. Modern Slavery Anti- and Human Trafficking: The Company's Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking statement is set out in the Employee Handbook to which you should refer.

26. Anti-Corruption and Bribery: The Company's Anti-Corruption and Bribery statement is set out in the Employee Handbook to which you should refer]

27. Health and Safety: The Health and Safety Policy that applies to your employment is shown in the Employee Handbook to which you should refer. You
should also be aware of any Specific Safety Statement available on the premises

28. Equality: The Company's Equality Policy is set out in the Employee Handbook to which you should refer

29 . Safeguarding If you work in an education establishment or with vulnerable children and adults you should be fully aware of the Glen Safeguarding Policy

30. Glen Aware You should be aware of all Glen Aware training videos which can be found in the Glen Group App

31. Handbook: You will find further information about your employment in the Employee Handbook, which may be revised from time to time. Reference should always be made to the latest version of the Employee Handbook which is available from your manager

32. Group Policies: The Glen Policies are detailed, and updated versions maintained on our Glen Group Portal.

33. Medical complaints: You are required to complete and return the medical questionnaire contained in your offer of employment . If you fail to return, we will
assume you have no medical conditions either physical or mental and will not undertake a Risk Assessment, to allow for any reasonable adjustments

​34. Lay-off, Short Time and Reduced Hours: If the Company is faced with a shortage of work situation, or for any other reason you cannot be provided with work, you may be placed temporarily on short -time working, your hours of work may be reduced, or you may be laid off from work. Layoff, short time, and reduced hours are unpaid; you will only be paid for the hours you work. It is the intention of the Company to avoid this situation where practicable and in the event of you being placed on layoff, short time or reduced hours, the Company will endeavour to return you to normal working hours as quickly as possible.

35. Pension and Pension Schemes: If you are eligible to join in our NEST approved scheme you will be automatically enrolled after 3 months of service. Full details of the scheme are provided from Payroll

36. Glen Group App. We would recommend that you download the App to ensure that you have all company information, including your online wage slip.

I have read and understood the content of this document and all other documents referred.

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